With $1.3M能源部资助,项目旨在推动脱碳

Monday, August 7, 2023
Interior view of an industrial power plant


联合国大学被选中领导一项倡议,旨在支持该地区的大型能源用户-工业, 商业和机构采用清洁能源技术. With $1.3 million in funding from the U.S. Department of Energy, UNH, along with Olin College of Engineering and Watson Strategy Group, 将建立新英格兰现场能源援助伙伴关系, one of nine regional Technical Assistance Partnerships (TAPs). These efforts will accelerate U.S. industrial decarbonization, productivity and competitiveness.

“这对UNH来说是一个令人兴奋的机会,可以帮助新罕布什尔州的大型能源用户, and throughout the region, 实现清洁能源技术的经济和环境效益,” says Matt Davis他是地球科学副教授,也是新英格兰TAP项目的首席研究员. “Through this partnership, UNH scientists will reach out, 通过对太阳能等各种清洁能源选择提供筛选和技术援助,让当地工业参与并教育他们减少碳排放的方法, geothermal, renewable gas, battery storage, thermal storage and combined heat and power, among others.”

“Through this program, UNH和新英格兰地区的公司将在清洁能源转型方面取得切实进展,这将在未来几年有利于我们的环境和经济.”

“工业部门是我们经济的重要组成部分,采用新技术提高能源效率和降低运营成本对创造就业机会至关重要, reducing energy costs, meeting our climate goals and remaining competitive globally,” said U.S. Sen. Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH). “Through this program, UNH和新英格兰地区的公司将在清洁能源转型方面取得切实进展,这将在未来几年有利于我们的环境和经济.”

除了促进在该地区增加采用清洁能源技术的实地努力之外, UNH — one of the nation’s most sustainable 高等教育机构将负责教材的开发和推广工作.




Scott Ripley | UNH Marketing | scott.ripley@ldmuyj.com | 603-862-1855