Graduate Student Senate

The Graduate Student Senate (GSS) is the official voice of UNH graduate student body, including UNH Durham, UNH Manchester and UNH Franklin Pierce School of Law. All graduate students have the right and responsibility to participate in this shared governance; by nature of our constitution, all UNH graduate students are members of the GSS. The GSS serves as a bridge between the graduate student body and those who make decisions that impact graduate students. We regularly communicate with administrators including the President Dean, Provost Jones, and the Graduate School Deans. 


GSS First Thursdays

Join us for "GSS First Thursdays!" We'll be hosting a casual mixer for UNH graduate students at a new location on the first Thursday of each month! Details will be announced via the Graduate School newsletter. See you there!

Fall 2023 Meeting Schedule

October 2023 full-senate meeting: Tuesday, 10/24, 5:30 PM

Zoom Meeting ID: 987 5364 1660


The Graduate Student Senate is committed to advocating for graduate student well-being. This academic year, we will work towards solutions on issues surrounding health care, graduate assistantship stipends, and housing. We set our agenda based on student needs, so we need to hear from you! Please reach out to to share your thoughts and concerns. 

2023 - 2024 Graduate Student Senate

Executive Committee: UNH Law (2): CEPS Senators (3):
President: Josh Trombley Luke Leonard Helen Sears
Vice President: Olesia Pavlenko Tony Gioia Amanda Daly
External Relations Officer: Tim Hoheneder UNH Manchester (1): Shuva Paul
Community Coordinator: Brianna Isola Rashmi Lnu CHHS Senators (4):
Communications Officer: Camille Sullivan Graduate School Senator (1): Geneva (Gigi) Lish
Financial Affairs Officer: Adeena Ahsan Chase Eagleson Ana SIlverio
International Student Senator (1):  COLA Senators (3): Jed Siebert
Mahmuda Akter Jennifer Daly Katherine Corbett
Graduate Student Housing Senator (1): Kristen Petagna COLSA Senators (2):
Else Schlerman Michaela George Dani Blumstein
UNH Online Senator (1): PAUL College Senator (1):  Radhika Rani
Caitlin Cormier Ali Mara  

Our History

The UNH Graduate Student Senate (GSS) was founded in 2011 as the official representative body of UNH graduate students. For several decades prior to the creation of the GSS and its representative structure, the interests of graduate students at UNH were represented by the Graduate Student Organization (GSO).

On April 18, 2011, UNH President Mark Huddleston signed the first copy of the GSS Constitution and Bylaws